Charity Fair = Stress?
Joe Holtsford prepares Billiard’s burgers at his table for the Charity Fair.
On February 7th, 2018 Hickman’s top ten courtwarming King candidates held their annual charity fair. During this time each candidate is able to sell food from various places to support the charity of their choice. And it seems like each year, it gets better and better. There was food ranging from Pancheros to Shakespeare’s Pizza, to homemade Indian food and burgers. The kings showed out! But they certainly couldn’t do all of this alone. With the help of many mothers and family members, connections and workers the Charity Fair was a success. From the outside, the king candidates are smiling, laughing, dancing to some tunes, and gladly selling their food. The hard work, thought, and stress that goes on behind-the-scenes is less well-known. While Hickman’s general population enjoyed the Charity Fair, the kings and their escorts had a lot on their hands. The stress is a “12 out of 10,” senior Jessica Kanne, escort for Brett Wilson, said about her experience helping. The P&G asked each candidate on a scale from 1-10 how stressful this Charity Fair and the whole entire week selling and fundraising has been for them. 1 being easy peasy lemon squeezy and 10 being “why did I decide to do this in the first place?” Here are the results:
Matthew Rothermich – 6- 7
Brett Wilson – 8
Price Phillips – 8.5
Brandon England – 7
Veer Sangha – 8
Joe Holtsford – 7
Jackson Dyroff – 5
Andrew Whelihan – 1
Ethan Solomon – 8
Kieran Malloy – 7
The results varied, but one thing rings true: it is no myth that the Charity Fair can be stressful. But when you’re doing it for a great cause, “it’s definitely worth while.” Stress can often fuel and motivate people to tackle any obstacle when perceived as a challenge. And we see that after these few weeks, these young men viewed it as a challenge and have been seizing the day ever since. Juggling selling, school work, jobs, relationships, and home hopefully after this week, our kings are able to rest. No stress.