The Coming Show and Commercial

Their technique? Flawless. Their sound? Flawless. Their smiles? Flawless. 

The Hickman marching band has been working hard over the summer putting together their 2019 show Night Impressions. The 2018 show Birds of a Feather took the audience’s breath away during the football games’ halftime, although the show’s expertise was nothing new, seeing as Hickman marchers are a dedicated group that meets during the height of the summer heat with two important goals: Mastering the marching technique and learning the music. And their long hours pay off, too! When it all comes together as a polished piece it’s an absolute “wow” moment. 

The show Night Impressions features compositions by Mozart, Beethoven, and other familiar pieces like “Clair De Lune,” by French composer Claude Debussy. As the band perfects the show, they’ll march in local parades and travel to district competitions to perform for judges, families, and even other bands. The marching band puts in a lot of hours to work on their showcases, with members arriving early before school and staying late for rehearsals, and that’s not even counting the extra weekend rehearsals either. This commitment is in addition to their school assignments, other activities, and even part time jobs for some of the upperclassmen marchers. 

The band is comprised of lots of different groups, too: Marching band is not just brass and woodwind performers. It’s connected with the pit, or the “front ensemble;” drumline, and colorguard. All of these parts are essential because they help drive the beat and add flare to the whole band! These marching band subsets work hard to keep up with practice and sometimes host their own rehearsal sessions so they’re able to line up better with the overall show when the performance dates roll around. The marching band is a determined group of musicians of all ages who try hard every year to take it to the next level. 

Speaking of which, this year the Hickman marching band will be featured in a local auto dealership commercial. University Subaru has teamed up with area highschool bands to showcase their pride and dedication to our Columbia community, making this a great opportunity for Hickman marchers to get recognition for all their hard work. Hickman marchers are one big Kewpie family, and this commercial is a chance to show that off to the rest of the city, too.