All you need to know about voting in 2020
In an election like no other, it is important to plan ahead to vote. This is what Missourians should know as they plan to vote this year.
In this odd election year, planning your vote is one of the most important things you can do to make sure your vote is counted. If you are a first time voter, you will need to fill out a voter registration form. This link will take you to Missouri voter registration: The deadline is October 7th. The qualifications to register are you must be 17 ½ years of age to register, 18 years of age to vote, you must be a US citizen, and you must be a Missouri resident to vote in the state.
For voting by mail or absentee voting, use this link to request a ballot sent to you because of health concerns or not being available to vote in person for other reasons.. Ballots must be requested by October 21st, so request a ballot soon to ensure your vote is counted if you plan to vote by mail or absentee.
If you are voting in person, use this link to see where you need to go to vote.
To learn more about the candidates running for office in November 2020, use this link.
If you are not old enough to vote, one thing you can do is sign up to be a poll worker. Many elderly citizens often work polls, but with covid concerns many of them will stay home for health safety concerns. To sign up to be a poll worker, use this link.
Identification is required to vote. According to the Secretary of State website, valid identification includes.
-Identification issued by the state of Missouri, an agency of the state, or a local election authority of the state;
-Identification issued by the United States government or agency thereof;
-Identification issued by an institution of higher education, including a university, college, vocational and technical school, located within the state of Missouri; or
A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check or other government document that contains the name and address of the voter.