People look for a burrito place with all three when considering which Mexican Grill to choose: a delicious meal with fresh ingredients, a place that will not make them feel bad about spending money and a place that will make them crave it again next month. The Mexican grill in Columbia that checks all those boxes is Pancheros on Stadium.
You might not think Pancheros and Chipotle have a price difference because they serve the same food, but breaking down the prices of a burrito from Pancheros on Stadium vs. Chipoltle on W. Worley St., the difference is around twenty cents depending on what you get.
This doesn’t seem to be much by itself, but we can all agree that twenty cents can add up quickly. By the time you buy your burrito and get your drink, you could be saving around $3.
Burritos at Pancheros are $9, whether you get steak or chicken. Chipotle has a price change for steak. The burrito that has chicken is 10 cents cheaper than Pancheros. If you prefer steak like me, you might as well head over to Pancheros because the price for a steak burrito at Chipotle is $10.65.
If you are getting a burrito bowl, the prices are the same as a burrito; therefore, if you like steak, Pancheros is the better option.
Quesadillas are cheaper at Pancheros as well with a starting price of $7.50. The starting price for a chicken quesadilla is $9.40 at Chipotle and costs more if you want steak.
The last price difference I want to point out is the drinks. For a 32-ounce fountain drink at Pancheros, it is $2.75. The price for just a 22-ounce fountain drink at Chipotle is $2.80. More than the large cup at Pancheros.
There are more menu items, and the price breakdowns are in the chart. You can see for yourself why you would walk out of Pancheros feeling like you spent your money wisely.

Additionally, Pancheros has homemade dough that they press and heat up to create tortillas right in front of you. Pancheros doesn’t have a freezer, fryer, or microwave like most fast food places in Columbia.
As far as flavor goes, I love the pico corn at Pancheros. Pancheros also has more flavorful rice; they use Cilantro-Lime Rice which provides a light lime flavor that is well seasoned. The rice compliments the sweet flavors like the pico corn in the burrito.
When Pancheros finishes putting together a perfect burrito, they mix up all the meat, rice, beans, etc. When you take a bite, it’s the perfect portion of everything throughout the whole burrito. You never have to worry about eating a huge bite of sour cream without any other flavors.
Not only does Pancheros have better dips and chips, but they are also the cheaper option.
Pancheros’ queso is superior as well; they have a thick queso with a little bit of spice. The spicy flavor and the salty blue corn chips just can’t be beat.
Pancheros also has an app with a user-friendly interface, and the menu is easy to navigate. Pancheros’ reward system is a free burrito once you get 100 points. Every dollar you spend is 1 point. It adds up a lot faster than you think, especially if you scan the receipt when your friends order.
Chipotle also has a reward system where for every dollar you spend, you get 10 points. However, to get a free burrito at Chipotle, you have to earn 1,625 points. Spending $162.50 to get a free burrito at Chipotle versus spending $100 to get a free burrito at Pancheros is a super big jump.
Chipotle and Pancheros both have three different locations in Columbia; however, Pancheros has locations that are more spread out. The Chipotle locations are more north in Columbia while Pancheros locations are west, east, and south of Columbia.
Going to your local Pancheros on Stadium will be well worth your money. Spending less money for a more favorable burrito is clearly the best option. You can be promised the perfect bite every time at Pancheros. The different flavors bounce back in forth in your mouth providing a mouth-watering burrito. Chipotle’s bland unmixed burrito could never compare to the flavors you get from Pancheros showing that Pancheros is undoubtedly superior.
Emmaline Light • Dec 15, 2024 at 12:19 am
I loved this article, it was well-written and I totally agree!
Izzie • Feb 29, 2024 at 12:35 pm
I think this was well-written and the author clearly conveyed her opinion. Personally, I like Chipotle better but to each their own. The points made were very valid and I liked the infographic of price breakdowns.